Development =========== ATMO is maintained on GitHub in its own repository at: Please clone the Git repository using the git command line tool or any other way you're comfortable with, e.g.: .. code-block:: console git clone ATMO also uses Docker for local development and deployment. Please make sure to install `Docker`_ and `Docker Compose`_ on your computer to contribute code or documentation changes. Configuration ------------- To set the application up, please copy the ``.env-dist`` file to one named ``.env`` and then update the variables starting with ``AWS_`` with the appropriate value. Set the ``DJANGO_SECRET_KEY`` variable using the output of the following command after logging into the Docker container with ``make shell``: .. code-block:: console python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(50))" To start the application, run: .. code-block:: console make up .. _`Docker`: .. _`Docker Compose`: Run the tests ------------- There's a sample test in ``tests/`` for your convenience, that you can run using the following command on your computer: .. code-block:: console make test This will spin up a Docker container to run the tests, so please set up the development setup first. The default options for running the test are in ``pytest.ini``. This is a good set of defaults. Alternatively, e.g. when you want to only run part of the tests first open a console to the web container.. .. code-block:: console make shell and then run pytest directly: .. code-block:: console pytest Some helpful command line arguments to pytest (won't work on ``make test``): ``--pdb``: Drop into pdb on test failure. ``--create-db``: Create a new test database. ``--showlocals``: Shows local variables in tracebacks on errors. ``--exitfirst``: Exits on the first failure. ``--lf, --last-failed``: Run only the last failed tests. See ``pytest --help`` for more arguments. .. _tests: Running subsets of tests and specific tests ``````````````````````````````````````````` There are a bunch of ways to specify a subset of tests to run: * all the tests that have "foobar" in their names:: pytest -k foobar * all the tests that don't have "foobar" in their names:: pytest -k "not foobar" * tests in a certain directory:: pytest tests/jobs/ * specific test:: pytest tests/jobs/ See for more examples. Troubleshooting --------------- Docker-Compose gives an error message similar to "ERROR: client and server don't have same version (client : 1.21, server: 1.18)" Make sure to install the latest versions of both Docker and Docker-Compose. The current versions of these in the Debian repositories might not be mutually compatible. Django gives an error message similar to ``OperationalError: SOME_TABLE does not exist`` The database likely isn't set up correctly. Run ``make migrate`` to update it. Django gives some other form of ``OperationalError``, and we don't really care about the data that's already in the database (e.g., while developing or testing) Database errors are usually caused by an improper database configuration. For development purposes, recreating the database will often solve the issue. Django gives an error message similar to ``'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_frozen_credentials'``. * The AWS credentials on the current machine are likely not correctly set. * Set them in your **ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES** (these environment variables are transferred to the docker container, from definitions in ``.env``). * See the [relevant section of the Boto3 docs]( for more details.