Source code for atmo.clusters.models

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import math
from datetime import timedelta

from autorepr import autorepr, autostr
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.utils import timezone

from ..models import CreatedByModel, EditedAtModel, URLActionModel
from .provisioners import ClusterProvisioner
from .queries import ClusterQuerySet, EMRReleaseQuerySet
from atmo.stats.models import Metric

[docs]class EMRRelease(EditedAtModel): version = models.CharField( max_length=50, primary_key=True, ) changelog_url = models.TextField( help_text='The URL of the changelog with details about the release.', default='', ) help_text = models.TextField( help_text='Optional help text to show for users when creating a cluster.', default='', ) is_active = models.BooleanField( help_text='Whether this version should be shown to the user at all.', default=True, ) is_experimental = models.BooleanField( help_text='Whether this version should be shown to users as experimental.', default=False, ) is_deprecated = models.BooleanField( help_text='Whether this version should be shown to users as deprecated.', default=False, ) objects = EMRReleaseQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: ordering = ['-version'] get_latest_by = 'created_at' verbose_name = 'EMR release' verbose_name_plural = 'EMR releases' __str__ = autostr('{self.version}')
__repr__ = autorepr(['version', 'is_active', 'is_experimental', 'is_deprecated']) class EMRReleaseModel(models.Model): EMR_RELEASE_HELP = ( 'Different AWS EMR versions have different versions ' 'of software like Hadoop, Spark, etc. ' 'See <a href="' '"' '>what\'s new</a> in each.' ) emr_release = models.ForeignKey( EMRRelease, verbose_name='EMR release', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='created_%(class)ss', # e.g. emr_release.created_clusters.all() help_text=EMR_RELEASE_HELP, ) class Meta: abstract = True
[docs]class Cluster(EMRReleaseModel, CreatedByModel, EditedAtModel, URLActionModel): STATUS_STARTING = 'STARTING' STATUS_BOOTSTRAPPING = 'BOOTSTRAPPING' STATUS_RUNNING = 'RUNNING' STATUS_WAITING = 'WAITING' STATUS_TERMINATING = 'TERMINATING' STATUS_TERMINATED = 'TERMINATED' STATUS_TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS = 'TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS' ACTIVE_STATUS_LIST = ( STATUS_STARTING, STATUS_BOOTSTRAPPING, STATUS_RUNNING, STATUS_WAITING, STATUS_TERMINATING, ) READY_STATUS_LIST = [ STATUS_RUNNING, STATUS_WAITING, ] TERMINATED_STATUS_LIST = ( STATUS_TERMINATED, ) FAILED_STATUS_LIST = ( STATUS_TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS, ) FINAL_STATUS_LIST = TERMINATED_STATUS_LIST + FAILED_STATUS_LIST STATE_CHANGE_REASON_INTERNAL_ERROR = 'INTERNAL_ERROR' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_VALIDATION_ERROR = 'VALIDATION_ERROR' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_INSTANCE_FAILURE = 'INSTANCE_FAILURE' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE = 'BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUEST = 'USER_REQUEST' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_STEP_FAILURE = 'STEP_FAILURE' STATE_CHANGE_REASON_ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED = 'ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED' FAILED_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_LIST = [ STATE_CHANGE_REASON_INTERNAL_ERROR, STATE_CHANGE_REASON_VALIDATION_ERROR, STATE_CHANGE_REASON_INSTANCE_FAILURE, STATE_CHANGE_REASON_BOOTSTRAP_FAILURE, STATE_CHANGE_REASON_STEP_FAILURE, ] REQUESTED_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_LIST = [ STATE_CHANGE_REASON_USER_REQUEST, ] COMPLETED_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_LIST = [ STATE_CHANGE_REASON_ALL_STEPS_COMPLETED, ] DEFAULT_SIZE = 1 DEFAULT_LIFETIME = 8 identifier = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text="Cluster name, used to non-uniqely identify individual clusters." ) size = models.IntegerField( help_text="Number of computers used in the cluster." ) lifetime = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( help_text="Lifetime of the cluster after which it's automatically terminated, in hours.", default=DEFAULT_LIFETIME, ) lifetime_extension_count = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( help_text="Number of lifetime extensions.", default=0, ) ssh_key = models.ForeignKey( 'keys.SSHKey', on_delete=models.SET_NULL, blank=True, null=True, related_name='launched_clusters', # e.g. ssh_key.launched_clusters.all() help_text="SSH key to use when launching the cluster.", ) expires_at = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, help_text="Date/time that the cluster will expire and automatically be deleted.", ) started_at = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, help_text="Date/time when the cluster was started on AWS EMR.", ) ready_at = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, help_text="Date/time when the cluster was ready to run steps on AWS EMR.", ) finished_at = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True, help_text="Date/time when the cluster was terminated or failed on AWS EMR.", ) jobflow_id = models.CharField( max_length=50, blank=True, null=True, help_text="AWS cluster/jobflow ID for the cluster, used for cluster management.", ) most_recent_status = models.CharField( max_length=50, default='', blank=True, help_text="Most recently retrieved AWS status for the cluster.", db_index=True, ) master_address = models.CharField( max_length=255, default='', blank=True, help_text=("Public address of the master node." "This is only available once the cluster has bootstrapped"), ) expiration_mail_sent = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text="Whether the expiration mail were sent.", ) objects = ClusterQuerySet.as_manager() class Meta: permissions = [ ('view_cluster', 'Can view cluster'), ] __str__ = autostr('{self.identifier}') __repr__ = autorepr([ 'identifier', 'most_recent_status', 'size', 'lifetime', 'expires_at', 'lifetime_extension_count', ]) url_prefix = 'clusters' url_actions = ['detail', 'extend', 'terminate'] def get_absolute_url(self): return self.urls.detail @property def is_active(self): """Returns whether the cluster is active or not.""" return self.most_recent_status in self.ACTIVE_STATUS_LIST @property def is_terminated(self): """Returns whether the cluster is terminated or not.""" return self.most_recent_status in self.TERMINATED_STATUS_LIST @property def is_failed(self): """Returns whether the cluster has failed or not.""" return self.most_recent_status in self.FAILED_STATUS_LIST @property def is_terminating(self): """Returns whether the cluster is terminating or not.""" return self.most_recent_status == self.STATUS_TERMINATING @property def is_ready(self): """Returns whether the cluster is ready or not.""" return self.most_recent_status == self.STATUS_WAITING @property def is_expiring_soon(self): """Returns whether the cluster is expiring in the next hour.""" return self.expires_at <= + timedelta(hours=1) @property def provisioner(self): return ClusterProvisioner() @property def info(self): """Returns the provisioning information for the cluster.""" return
[docs] def sync(self, info=None): """Should be called to update latest cluster status in `self.most_recent_status`.""" if info is None: info = # Map AWS API fields to Cluster model fields. model_field_map = ( ('state', 'most_recent_status'), ('public_dns', 'master_address'), ('creation_datetime', 'started_at'), ('ready_datetime', 'ready_at'), ('end_datetime', 'finished_at'), ) save_needed = False date_fields_updated = False # set the various model fields to the value the API returned for api_field, model_field in model_field_map: field_value = info.get(api_field) # Only update the field if the value for a field is not set or it # hasn't changed. if field_value is None or field_value == getattr(self, model_field): continue setattr(self, model_field, field_value) save_needed = True if model_field in ('started_at', 'ready_at', 'finished_at'): date_fields_updated = True if save_needed: with transaction.atomic(): with transaction.atomic(): if date_fields_updated: if self.finished_at: # When cluster is finished, record normalized instance # hours. hours = math.ceil( (self.finished_at - self.started_at).seconds / 60 / 60 ) normalized_hours = hours * self.size Metric.record( 'cluster-normalized-instance-hours', normalized_hours, data={ 'identifier': self.identifier, 'size': self.size, 'jobflow_id': self.jobflow_id, } ) # When cluster is ready, record a count and time to ready. if self.ready_at and not self.finished_at: # A simple count to track number of clusters spun up # successfully. Metric.record('cluster-ready', data={ 'identifier': self.identifier, 'size': self.size, 'jobflow_id': self.jobflow_id, }) # Time in seconds it took the cluster to be ready. time_to_ready = (self.ready_at - self.started_at).seconds Metric.record( 'cluster-time-to-ready', time_to_ready, data={ 'identifier': self.identifier, 'size': self.size, 'jobflow_id': self.jobflow_id, }
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Insert the cluster into the database or update it if already present, spawning the cluster if it's not already spawned. """ # actually start the cluster if self.jobflow_id is None: self.jobflow_id = self.provisioner.start( user_username=self.created_by.username,, identifier=self.identifier, emr_release=self.emr_release.version, size=self.size, public_key=self.ssh_key.key, ) # once we've stored the jobflow id we can fetch the status for the first time transaction.on_commit(self.sync) with transaction.atomic(): Metric.record('cluster-emr-version', data={'version': self.emr_release.version}) # set the dates if not self.expires_at: # clusters should expire after the lifetime it's set to self.expires_at = + timedelta(hours=self.lifetime)
super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extend(self, hours): """Extend the cluster lifetime by the given number of hours.""" self.expires_at = models.F('expires_at') + timedelta(hours=hours) self.lifetime_extension_count = models.F('lifetime_extension_count') + 1 with transaction.atomic(): Metric.record('cluster-extension', data={ 'identifier': self.identifier, 'size': self.size, 'jobflow_id': self.jobflow_id,
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Shutdown the cluster and update its status accordingly""" self.provisioner.stop(self.jobflow_id)