Source code for atmo.clusters.provisioners

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import constance

from ..provisioners import Provisioner

[docs]class ClusterProvisioner(Provisioner): """The cluster specific provisioner.""" log_dir = 'clusters' name_component = 'cluster' def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def job_flow_params(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Given the parameters returns the extended parameters for EMR job flows for on-demand cluster. """ params = super().job_flow_params(*args, **kwargs) # don't auto-terminate the cluster params.setdefault('Instances', {})['KeepJobFlowAliveWhenNoSteps'] = True
return params
[docs] def start(self, user_username, user_email, identifier, emr_release, size, public_key): """ Given the parameters spawns a cluster with the desired properties and returns the jobflow ID. """ job_flow_params = self.job_flow_params( user_username=user_username, user_email=user_email, identifier=identifier, emr_release=emr_release, size=size, ) job_flow_params.update({ 'BootstrapActions': [{ 'Name': 'setup-telemetry-cluster', 'ScriptBootstrapAction': { 'Path': self.script_uri, 'Args': [ '--public-key', public_key, '--email', user_email, '--efs-dns', constance.config.AWS_EFS_DNS, ] } }], 'Steps': [{ 'Name': 'setup-zeppelin', 'ActionOnFailure': 'TERMINATE_JOB_FLOW', 'HadoopJarStep': { 'Jar': self.jar_uri, 'Args': [ self.zeppelin_uri ] } }] }) cluster = self.emr.run_job_flow(**job_flow_params)
return cluster['JobFlowId']
[docs] def info(self, jobflow_id): """ Returns the cluster info for the cluster with the given Jobflow ID with the fields start time, state and public IP address """ cluster = self.emr.describe_cluster(ClusterId=jobflow_id)['Cluster']
return self.format_info(cluster)
[docs] def format_info(self, cluster): """ Formats the data returned by the EMR API for internal ATMO use. """ status = cluster['Status'] timeline = status['Timeline'] state_change_reason = status.get('StateChangeReason', {}) return { 'creation_datetime': timeline['CreationDateTime'], 'ready_datetime': timeline.get('ReadyDateTime', None), 'end_datetime': timeline.get('EndDateTime', None), 'state': status['State'], 'state_change_reason_code': state_change_reason.get('Code'), 'state_change_reason_message': state_change_reason.get('Message'), 'public_dns': cluster.get('MasterPublicDnsName'),
[docs] def list(self, created_after, created_before=None): """ Returns a list of cluster infos in the given time frame with the fields: - Jobflow ID - state - start time """ # set some parameters so we don't get *all* clusters ever params = {'CreatedAfter': created_after} if created_before is not None: params['CreatedBefore'] = created_before clusters = [] list_cluster_paginator = self.emr.get_paginator('list_clusters') for page in list_cluster_paginator.paginate(**params): for cluster in page.get('Clusters', []): clusters.append(self.format_list(cluster))
return clusters
[docs] def format_list(self, cluster): """ Formats the data returned by the EMR API for internal ATMO use. """ status = cluster['Status'] timeline = status['Timeline'] state_change_reason = status.get('StateChangeReason', {}) return { 'jobflow_id': cluster['Id'], 'state': status['State'], 'creation_datetime': timeline['CreationDateTime'], 'ready_datetime': timeline.get('ReadyDateTime', None), 'end_datetime': timeline.get('EndDateTime', None), 'state_change_reason_code': state_change_reason.get('Code'), 'state_change_reason_message': state_change_reason.get('Message'),
[docs] def stop(self, jobflow_id): """ Stops the cluster with the given JobFlow ID. """