Source code for

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from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone

from ..clusters.models import Cluster

[docs]class SparkJobQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def with_runs(self): """ The Spark jobs with runs. """
return self.filter(runs__isnull=False)
[docs] def active(self): """ The Spark jobs that have an active cluster status. """ return self.filter( runs__status__in=Cluster.ACTIVE_STATUS_LIST,
[docs] def terminated(self): """ The Spark jobs that have a terminated cluster status. """ return self.filter( runs__status__in=Cluster.TERMINATED_STATUS_LIST,
[docs] def failed(self): """ The Spark jobs that have a failed cluster status. """ return self.filter( runs__status__in=Cluster.FAILED_STATUS_LIST,
[docs] def lapsed(self): """ The Spark jobs that have passed their end dates but haven't been expired yet. """ return self.filter(, expired_date__isnull=True,
[docs]class SparkJobRunQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
[docs] def active(self): """ The Spark jobs that have an active cluster status. """
return self.filter(status__in=Cluster.ACTIVE_STATUS_LIST)