
The code base to manage AWS EMR clusters.


class atmo.clusters.forms.EMRReleaseChoiceField(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A ModelChoiceField subclass that uses EMRRelease objects for the choices and automatically uses a “radioset” rendering – a horizontal button group for easier selection.


Append the status of the EMR release if it’s experimental or deprecated.

class atmo.clusters.forms.ExtendClusterForm(*args, **kwargs)[source]
class atmo.clusters.forms.NewClusterForm(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A form used for creating new clusters.

  • identifier (RegexField) – A unique identifier for your cluster, visible in the AWS management console. (Lowercase, use hyphens instead of spaces.)
  • size (IntegerField) – Number of workers to use in the cluster, between 1 and 30. For testing or development 1 is recommended.
  • lifetime (IntegerField) – Lifetime in hours after which the cluster is automatically terminated, between 2 and 24.
  • ssh_key (ModelChoiceField) – Ssh key
  • emr_release (EMRReleaseChoiceField) – Different AWS EMR versions have different versions of software like Hadoop, Spark, etc. See what’s new in each.


class atmo.clusters.models.Cluster(id, created_at, modified_at, created_by, emr_release, identifier, size, lifetime, lifetime_extension_count, ssh_key, expires_at, started_at, ready_at, finished_at, jobflow_id, most_recent_status, master_address, expiration_mail_sent)[source]
  • id (AutoField) – Id
  • created_at (DateTimeField) – Created at
  • modified_at (DateTimeField) – Modified at
  • created_by_id (ForeignKey to User) – User that created the instance.
  • emr_release_id (ForeignKey to EMRRelease) – Different AWS EMR versions have different versions of software like Hadoop, Spark, etc. See what’s new in each.
  • identifier (CharField) – Cluster name, used to non-uniqely identify individual clusters.
  • size (IntegerField) – Number of computers used in the cluster.
  • lifetime (PositiveSmallIntegerField) – Lifetime of the cluster after which it’s automatically terminated, in hours.
  • lifetime_extension_count (PositiveSmallIntegerField) – Number of lifetime extensions.
  • ssh_key_id (ForeignKey to SSHKey) – SSH key to use when launching the cluster.
  • expires_at (DateTimeField) – Date/time that the cluster will expire and automatically be deleted.
  • started_at (DateTimeField) – Date/time when the cluster was started on AWS EMR.
  • ready_at (DateTimeField) – Date/time when the cluster was ready to run steps on AWS EMR.
  • finished_at (DateTimeField) – Date/time when the cluster was terminated or failed on AWS EMR.
  • jobflow_id (CharField) – AWS cluster/jobflow ID for the cluster, used for cluster management.
  • most_recent_status (CharField) – Most recently retrieved AWS status for the cluster.
  • master_address (CharField) – Public address of the master node.This is only available once the cluster has bootstrapped
  • expiration_mail_sent (BooleanField) – Whether the expiration mail were sent.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Shutdown the cluster and update its status accordingly


Extend the cluster lifetime by the given number of hours.


Returns the provisioning information for the cluster.


Returns whether the cluster is active or not.


Returns whether the cluster is expiring in the next hour.


Returns whether the cluster has failed or not.


Returns whether the cluster is ready or not.


Returns whether the cluster is terminated or not.


Returns whether the cluster is terminating or not.

save(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Insert the cluster into the database or update it if already present, spawning the cluster if it’s not already spawned.


Should be called to update latest cluster status in self.most_recent_status.

class atmo.clusters.models.EMRRelease(created_at, modified_at, version, changelog_url, help_text, is_active, is_experimental, is_deprecated)[source]
  • created_at (DateTimeField) – Created at
  • modified_at (DateTimeField) – Modified at
  • version (CharField) – Version
  • changelog_url (TextField) – The URL of the changelog with details about the release.
  • help_text (TextField) – Optional help text to show for users when creating a cluster.
  • is_active (BooleanField) – Whether this version should be shown to the user at all.
  • is_experimental (BooleanField) – Whether this version should be shown to users as experimental.
  • is_deprecated (BooleanField) – Whether this version should be shown to users as deprecated.
exception DoesNotExist
exception MultipleObjectsReturned


class atmo.clusters.provisioners.ClusterProvisioner[source]

The cluster specific provisioner.


Formats the data returned by the EMR API for internal ATMO use.


Formats the data returned by the EMR API for internal ATMO use.


Returns the cluster info for the cluster with the given Jobflow ID with the fields start time, state and public IP address

job_flow_params(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Given the parameters returns the extended parameters for EMR job flows for on-demand cluster.

list(created_after, created_before=None)[source]

Returns a list of cluster infos in the given time frame with the fields: - Jobflow ID - state - start time

start(user_username, user_email, identifier, emr_release, size, public_key)[source]

Given the parameters spawns a cluster with the desired properties and returns the jobflow ID.


Stops the cluster with the given JobFlow ID.


class atmo.clusters.queries.ClusterQuerySet(model=None, query=None, using=None, hints=None)[source]

A Django queryset that filters by cluster status.

Used by the Cluster model.


The clusters that have an active status.


The clusters that have an failed status.


The clusters that have an terminated status.

class atmo.clusters.queries.EMRReleaseQuerySet(model=None, query=None, using=None, hints=None)[source]

A Django queryset for the EMRRelease model.


The EMR releases that are deprecated.


The EMR releases that are considered experimental.


Sorts this queryset by the EMR version naturally (human-readable).


The EMR releases that are considered stable.


Task: atmo.clusters.tasks.deactivate_clusters

Deactivate clusters that have been expired.

Task: atmo.clusters.tasks.send_expiration_mails

Send expiration emails an hour before the cluster expires.

Task: atmo.clusters.tasks.update_clusters

Update the cluster metadata from AWS for the pending clusters.

  • To be used periodically.
  • Won’t update state if not needed.
  • Will queue updating the Cluster’s public IP address if needed.
Task: atmo.clusters.tasks.update_master_address(cluster_id, force=False)

Update the public IP address for the cluster with the given cluster ID


atmo.clusters.views.detail_cluster(request, id)[source]

View to show details about an existing cluster.

atmo.clusters.views.extend_cluster(request, id)[source]

View to extend the lifetime an existing cluster.


View to create a new cluster.

atmo.clusters.views.terminate_cluster(request, id)[source]

View to terminate an existing cluster.